Block Party ATX announcement

It's the return of the BLOCK! (Party ATX)

In 2019 B.C. (Before Covid) an idea was born. The idea was to create a way to see multiple murals being painted, shop handmade products, hear some great mixes from dope DJ's, have a tasty drink, hang with friends, and get in touch with your creative side by meeting artists and organizations from all walks. But, instead of this happening once or twice a year like some of your favorite festivals and events around town, it was going to happen every month. On top of that it was going to happen in a place that is not used to seeing these types of events. Block Party ATX was off to a strong start, choosing the Container Bar on Rainey St. as its home. Unfortunately, "unprecedented times" somehow became the norm, grinding a blossoming thought experiment to a halt and forcing the event into a one-year hiatus. In 2021, the world opened up again and we were back in business, ready to make the event better and bigger than ever. Month after month, the idea came to life, bringing together creatives of all kinds to network, build camaraderie, showcase talents, and maybe make a few bucks in the process. Then, the unexpected happened again, and our host venue shuttered its doors for good, forcing the Block Party ATX into another hiatus while a promising new home was being built. Now it's 2023, over three years since the event originally launched, and we're finally back AGAIN! We relaunched in February at Clive Bar (Container Bar's handsome newly remodeled neighbor) located right back in the heart of Rainey Street. Our inaugural event was even better than expected, proving that it takes more than a global pandemic and the "changing landscape" of our city to keep the creative community of Austin down. The essence of the original event is in tact, but a larger venue allows for more -- more artists, more vendors, more attendees, and more ideas! Everything is bigger in Texas, after all, and the Block Party is no different. A new spin on the concept is attendees can now purchase the large scale art that is painted during the event on un-stretched canvas  instead of wood panels so it can be rolled up and taken with or found right here on the site.  You should be all up to speed now... Let's make history... Protect the heART at all costs... -KPB
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